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NFT: Eggs & Kugles

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Our NFTs have two stages:

Eggs Egg

Kugles Kugle

Kuglecorp will distribute Eggs, which can be hatched into a Kugle. In turn, two Kugles can breed to create a new Egg. To maintain a healthy count of NFTs, Kugles can breed twice. The offsping have its generation counter increased by 1. Resulting in fewer earned resources and higher hatch/breed cost. (for in-depth information read the breeding page)

NFT Generation and breeding

We have 3 types of Kugles generations, those are very important:

  • Genesis: with a set supply 2000 from initial launch of solana, there will never be more made available and are all in the hands of our early backers. Their offsprings will be Generation 1 and can breed 4 times instead of 2.

  • Generation 1: These are the NFT sold by Kuglecorp, besides Genesis they generate the highest amount of resources. Availability and supply will be adjusted to demand. Each release will introduce new skins and body parts to collect.

  • Generation 2+: Result from breeding obtained by mixing traits of two parents. They are likely to have more powers, body parts, stylised/unified look. However, they generate fewer resources and cost more to hatch/breed.

When breeding: we take the highest generation of the couple, and we add one to the offspring: (Max(Gen1, Gen2) + 1). alt text

Generation Supply

Generation nameDescriptionindexsupply
GenesisInitial launch (2021)02000
Generation 1From boosters sells.112000 per year1
Generation 2From breeding2n/a2
Generation 3 to 10+From breeding3+n/a2

1 quantity will be adjusted with demand.
2 supply will depend on playerbase, amount bred and sold on seconday market.

 Hatch costs

The hatch cost formula is 200 * 1.2 ^ (index). index beeing the index of generation (1 for generation Genesis and 1, then 2, 3, 4 etc.)

GenerationHatch cost alt text HEAT
Generation 1240
Generation 2288
Generation 3345
Generation 4414
Generation X200 * (X) ^ 1.2

 Breed costs

The breed base cost formula is 200 * 1.2 ^ (index) index beeing the index of generation (1 for generation Genesis and 1, then 2, 3, 4 etc.) addtional costs is added depending on customisation options.

GenerationBreeding CapacityBreed cost alt text CARBON
Generation 12240
Generation 22288
Generation 32345
Generation 42414
Generation X2200 * (X) ^ 1.2

Generation Rewards

By staking your Eggs and Kugles, they appear in-game will generate resources. All NFTs will passively generate ressouces, by engaging with the game, players can earn more resources:

  • passive reward (staking)
  • active rewards (races, pet, etc)

To ensure that the value of a Kugle is tied to its generation, the resources earned are lowered each generation. This also helps ensure a healthy growth rate of overall population.

Eggs:  Heat rewards

Eggs will passively earn Heat through Staking. If the player pets them Daily Care they will generate extra Heat.

  • Gen 1 is the baseline for values
  • Each subsequent generation earn 20% less resources
  • Genesis will earn an extra 20% resources from the baseline, to reward early backers.
  • Eggs resulting from breeding have their resources reduced by 25%
  • Each Egg can store 500 virtual Heat maximum, at that point, players must convert it into to tokens.
Egg generationgenesis123456789
Daily Care10854332221
Total / Max daily  151286543332

Kugles:  Carbon rewards

Much like Eggs, Kugles earn Carbon through 'Staking' and 'Daily Care'. The bulk of the Carbon rewards comes from playing and earning Medals. The following table assumes the Kugle earned a gold medal on a race.

  • Gen 1 is the baseline for values
  • Each subsequent generation earn 20% less resources
  • Genesis will earn an extra 20% resources from the baseline, to reward early backers.
  • Kugles resulting from breeding have their resources reduced by 25%
  • Each Kugle can store 500 virtual Carbon maximum, at that point, players must convert it into to tokens.
Daily Care4322111111
Total / Max daily  1916109765533

Virtual resources to Token resources

The Heat / Carbont resources used for hatching and breeding your Kugles is earned in-game as virtual currency. Players can convert them into token currency via the kugle bank (website), with an exchange rate built to scale with playerbase.

For more details on claiming tokens, conversion rates... read the game design document Kugle Bank